
Why H.O.P.E Was Created

H.O.P.E. was created in Maricopa AZ by a group of residents who care about public health and who are willing to work together to clean up our polluted air. Helping Our Polluted Environment.

Here in Maricopa not only is the air quality exceeding in PM10 it is also exceeding in PM2.5. The polluted air here is the "worst" in the county according to resports.

Now what is PM10 and PM2.5?


Both PM10 (big) and PM2.5 (small) particles can cause health problems; specifically respiratory health (that's the lungs and airway). Because the PM2.5 travels deeper into the lungs AND because the PM2.5 is made up things that are more toxic (like heavy metals and cancer causing organic compounds), PM2.5 can have worse health effects than the bigger PM10.Exposure to particulate matter leads to increased use of medication and more visits to the doctor or emergency room. Health effects include the following:

  • Coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath
  • Aggravated asthma
  • Lung damage (including decreased lung function and lifelong respiratory disease)
  • Premature death in individuals with existing heart or lung diseases

Since 1997, for Animal Waste in Pinal County 85239 it's already at 100% Counties with Most Waste in the US for Cattle, Poultry, Sheep, Nitrogen in Waste, Nitrogen lost to atmosphere and Phosphorus in waste.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does acknowledge that Maricopa, AZ has the worst air quality and is planning to place Maricopa, AZ in a Nonattainment Area.

Nonattainment Area meaning: An area that does not meet one or more of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for the criteria pollutants designated in the Clean Air Act.

Going into a Nonattainment Area will have some negative affects on the city of Maricopa. We need to stand together as a group and let our voices be heard that "We are FED up with this and we demand a healthy environment for all citizens of Maricopa"

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